Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monumental moment

Yesterday Jackson had his first haircut! It was a first for him...and a first for me :). At 3 1/2 years old, Ellie doesn't have enough hair to cut, so yesterday was a first for me as a mommy! And yes, I took a ton of pictures...and kept a couple of locks of his hair. Last week I was at lunch at my Granny & Gramps and my Granny pulled out an envelope from when I was 16 months old with some of my hair in it and it was fun to see the color and texture...even if it is a little gross :). So, some day maybe Jack will care to see his hair...probably not, but just in case...

Anyway, Jackson absolutely loved getting his hair cut! As Kelly combed through the back of his hair, Jackson would sort of lean into it...He was really serious and had the same look on his face the entire time, but he was super relaxed. It was so funny! He is so cute!! Thanks Kelly!

Yes, he had a mullet...John kind of liked it because it reminded him of himself about 20 years ago :)! Oh he looks SO cute with his hair cut!

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

i love his face in all the pictures. like, geeze whats the big i have a mullet. so did my dad. i love jack.